

Mental Health Counseling located in Gilbert, AZ


About Psychiatry

Thrive Counseling Services, LLC in Gilbert, Arizona, provides holistic mental health care, offering all the services you need to manage your emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. The psychiatric team at the therapy practice provides a range of treatments, from initial evaluations to medication management to psychotherapy. For comprehensive mental health support from a compassionate team, call today or schedule a psychiatry appointment online.

Psychiatry Q&A

What is the difference between psychiatry and psychology?

Psychiatry and psychology differ in training and treatments. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who diagnoses, treats, and prevents mental health conditions. They can also prescribe medications, provide psychotherapy, and manage the emotional and physical aspects of a mental health condition.

A psychologist has a doctorate degree and provides psychotherapy and behavioral therapy for mental health conditions. Most psychologists don’t prescribe medications. 

Thrive Counseling Services, LLC is a full-service therapy practice that takes a holistic approach to mental health. Their team includes psychiatrists and therapists, providing all the mental health services you need at one practice.


Who might benefit from psychiatry services?

Anyone struggling with mental health symptoms may benefit from psychiatry services at Thrive Counseling Services, LLC. The psychiatrist can diagnose and treat any mental health condition, including:


  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Eating disorders 
  • Autism
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Sleep disorders


The psychiatrist at Thrive Counseling Services, LLC conducts a comprehensive initial evaluation, asking detailed questions about your mental and physical health. They also ask about your family health history and may request lab work to rule out a medical condition that can explain your mental health symptoms. 

The goal of a psychiatric evaluation is to determine an accurate diagnosis.


What are psychiatry treatments?

The team at Thrive Counseling Services, LLC takes a collaborative approach to care, working together to ensure you get the right treatments to support your mental health journey. Psychiatry services may include:

Medication management

Medication management is the use of psychiatric medications to help relieve symptoms while undergoing psychotherapy. 


Psychotherapy is talk therapy and one of the primary treatments of psychiatry. The specialists use various modalities, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), to help you achieve your goals.

Lifestyle interventions 

Lifestyle also affects mental well-being, and your psychiatry plan may include lifestyle interventions such as regular exercise or meditation.


What can I expect when getting psychiatry care?

You can expect compassionate and personalized psychiatry care at Thrive Counseling Services, LLC. Using a holistic approach, psychiatry aims to address not only your mental health symptoms but also the underlying cause.

Psychiatrists play a crucial role in supporting your journey by promoting mental wellness and providing compassionate care. Call Thrive Counseling Services, LLC today or schedule an appointment online.